Time Travel Supermarket

This dream here is an oldie 'n really fuckin' weird in my books, none of it makes any sense lol. I could probably right this a lil' better ta make sure it makes sense but I can't be fucked.

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Alleycat, Ol' Frien' 'n me are in a store; sorta like a supermarket. In the dream, we went back in time, but not too far. The three of us were goin' up 'n down the aisles, it wasn't until later in the dream we knew what we were lookin' for. Alleycat got progressively crazy. As 'm walkin' I see this shark pillow, similar to a blåhaj. Alleycat's grandma shows up 'n I say she should buy it, since she's got the same one in the future. Alleycat went kookoo 'n I suggested we make honey joys, 'n got a box of cornflakes off the shelf nearby. I knew honey was in the recipe but I forgot the other ingreidents were until Ol' Frien' walked right by me 'n picked all the stuff off the shelf. Gets kinda blurry here since there were a bunch of montages goin' on but there was somethin' about being unable to watch M rated movies.

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